America Who Hurt You - Trailer
Note, the voices are meant to overlap and step on each other to feel a little chaotic/BTS soundcheck vibes
SJ: I’m Sarah Jones, and this is America Who Hurt You, the pod where–
Rashid: wait how’s my level though?
Nereida: it’s not only about you Rashid
Rashid: I’m the only dude, is my EQ gonna be different?
Bella: why is everything about the gender binary—
Lorraine: There she goes, with the woke-ism –
Nereida: The point is all our voices are different
Lorraine: Yes, but how will people know her opinions are definitely not mine?
Nereida: People are smart, Lorraine they’ll figure out all the voices are actually coming from…Sarah Jones. …
SJ: I mean, unless they don’t know I play different characters based on my real multi-racial family
Lorraine: Tell them you won a Tony!
SJ: I’m not gonna say that.
Bella: Imposter syndrome is such a killer for women.
SJ: Bella, please. As I was saying, on this pod, we’ll be interviewing amazing guests about how our political and personal lives are more entangled than ever–
Jameela Jamil: Yeah, I don’t think it’s distracting by mistake, I think it’s distracting by design.
W Kamau Bell: If you just put a little bit of news in you everyday, you’re already more informed than probably 80% of Americans.
Laverne Cox: Live that way and love that way, and then maybe we can begin to organize that way.
SJ: And sharing practical tips to help us all navigate…till November and beyond!
Rashid: Yeah, basically it’s about politics
Bella: our trauma.
Nereida: and how we can heal them both.
SJ: Tune in to America, Who Hurt You? Available July 17th wherever you get your podcasts.